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Tri-Town Committee Agenda 10-05-16

(Board of Selectmen, Advisory Committee)
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
Dexter meeting Room, Thayer Memorial Library
717 Main Street, Lancaster, MA
7:00 P.M.

7:00 P.M.       Call to Order and introductions

7:10 P.M.       Update on projects and initiates in Bolton, Lancaster, Stow, and the school districts
  • Review of Minute Man School Building Vote
  • Status of NRSD and towns OPEB payments
  • NRSD/Towns discussion of what they see as budget issues for the upcoming season
  • Wilder Road Culvert Update - Bolton
  • Update on meeting with the Department of Transportation on traffic calming at the high school
  • Report from NRSD administration on status of facilities projects management and personnel changes since last TriTown meeting
7:30 P.M.       Committee of Correspondence update

7:40 P.M.       New Business and announcements

7:55 P.M.       Motion to Adjourn/Adjournment